Amateur Radio according to SM0JHF

The call sign SM0JHF was issued to me in April 1978 by the Swedish telecommunications authority known as Televerket. I easily passed the A Class test, but being a B-class person, viz. an immigrant in Sweden, they could only give me a B Class licence. After a few changes in the Swedish administration and legislation, this call sign is now valid for life without any need to renew it or pay any fees. Amateur Radio transmitters up to 200 W are no longer considered to be in need of supervision by the telecommunications agency of Sweden, PTS.

The Post- och telestyrelsen in Sweden – roughly the equivalent of the FCC in the USA or Ofcom in the UK – modified the rules related to Amateur Radio and as of October 1, 2004 there is no need for a licence for residents who have attained proper Amateur Radio Certificate and intend to use transmitters with 200 W p.e.p. or less. The certificate is issued by the Swedish Amateur Radio society SSA  upon application and passing a test. Both permanent and temporary call signs are assigned by the same organization. Qualified operators, who wish to use transmitters of higher power – up to 1000 W – are required to apply for a licence for specified fixed locations and pay an annual fee to the PTS agency. This change is effective as of November 2018.

Personal information about the majority of active licenced members of the Amateur Radio community can be found on  My profile is listed at

However, my early interest in radio took place at the end of the 1950s. I played with crystal detectors and receivers. In 1959, I contacted the national Amateur Radio organization in Warszawa, Poland where I lived. Received my first license in June 1960 before becoming 15, which was the legal age. Radio was relatively simple and quite exciting, partly because I was living behind The Iron Curtain.

This is still a multifaceted hobby, offering opportunities to learn and experience both the modern technology and social interactions beyond the frontiers.

Thanks to Amateur Radio I have learned things, travelled a little and met many people in a variety of places. Tried to share my impressions and observations in print magazines and on the web. This webpage is created in order to show some of printed material, otherwise not available on the web.